GOFIN Gazeta Podatkowa

by Wydawnictwo Podatkowe GOFIN sp. z o.o.

News & Magazines


The GOFIN Gazeta Podatkowa application gives you instant access to news and current and archived editions of Gazeta Podatkowa, as well as additions attached to it.Gazeta Podatkowa is a GREAT source of information necessary for accountants, personnel, entrepreneurs, taxpayers and payers. Tax issues (especially VAT and income tax), labor law, social security and social security benefits and accounting dominate in it. He also discusses the issues of proceedings before tax authorities, commercial and family law.Current news are described in Gazeta Wyborcza, including changes in legal regulations. The positions of tax authorities and court judgments with editorial comments are presented. Published texts solve problems reported by readers, they contain a lot of practical explanations and examples.The GOFIN Gazeta Podatkowa application is intended mainly for GOFINU subscribers having access to the Internet version of Gazeta Podatkowa (access to the full content of the application guarantees the purchase of a subscription to Gazeta Podatkowa or a subscription to the Internet version of Gazeta Podatkowa).